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This site was launched on March 21, 2009 with support from the Mandolin Cafe.
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Presenting Hrvatski Običaj's 1st CD

Our Croatian Traditions
The members of Hrvatski Običaj would like to thank all of those who have supported us since we started in March 2007. The commitment, dedication, desire, sheer joy and passion each of us holds in our hearts is what connects us forever in this journey. As this CD was a labor of love we hope that you enjoy it, continue to support our endeavors and may you carry the spirit of Croatia all around the world with you as you listen to our music!
How To Order
To order your copy of our new CD, please send
a check or money order
for $20 per CD (this amount includes shipping and handling) to:
3124 Canaan Valley Drive
Kansas City, Kansas 66109
Song Samples
Vesela je šokadija
Enjoy listening to this tune about the happy villagers and the town they populate.
Mi smo cure šokice
The women of this village are happiest and their hearts sing with joy when the tambura plays and the kolos are danced.
Pjesma rastanku
This dramatic number features the tambura at its finest. Immerse yourself in the passion behind each beautiful note played but don't let it be the final song you listen to as the title suggests.
Falile se kaštelanke
The women from Kastel claim to be prettier than the women of Split ... you decide!
Celebrate life with this song! With health, happiness and prosperity for 100 years.