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Past Kolo Nights
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This site was launched on March 21, 2009 with support from the Mandolin Cafe.
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Group Members
Photos by Ivana Dordevic
Grouped by Families Most Left of Photo
- Nancy Calvano (sister l.s.) — Brač I
- Marie Kolich (sister r.s.) — Prim I
- Ann Cavlovic behind sisters — Brač II
- Dan Frankovich (standing left) — Čelo
- Jim Frankovich (standing right) — Bugarija
- Bill Vrbanac (behind Dan) — Brač I
- Don Taylor (last person on back left looking r to l — Brač I
- Goran Dordevic (standing on rock) — Vocals
Middle Section of Photo
- Mario Viskovic (most left of c. group — Vocals, Guitar
- John Mikesic (brother to Rick) — Brač I
- Rick Mikesic (brother to John) — Director, Brač I, Vocals
- Kristina Mikesic (wife to Rick, sister-in-law to John) — Prim II, Vocals
Far Right Cluster
- Stephanie Sandelich (sister to Sarah) — Brač II
- Sarah Soptic (center sister to Stephanie) — Prim II
- Theresa Jaksetic (cousins to Sandelich) — Brač II
- Matt Thomas (cousins to sandelinch) — Brač I
- Greg Soptic (husband to Sarah) — Brač I
- Joe Baric (brother to Jim & Cathy) — Bass, Vocals
- Cathy Siler (sister to Jim & Joe) — Prim I
- Jim Baric (brother to Joe & Cathy) — Accordian, Vocals
- Linda Fierst (not pictured) — Prim I